letzte Kommentare / Ach, ach. All diese... monolog / .... und nach all... kopfherz / Oh, danke. Da freu... monolog / Öh, nö.... monolog / ... auch nach all... kopfherz / Sind Sie in Hamburg... arboretum / Super, ne? Ich hab... monolog / Ach, in der Luft... kid37 / Erledigt :) Da... monolog | |
male answer syndrome
n. The tendency for some men to answer a question even when they don't know the answer. Also: MAS.
Example Citation: Try an experiment. Ask a male friend a question, something completely outside his sphere of expertise. Will you get an answer? Chances are, you will. The male friend is exhibiting behavior known as Male Answer Syndrome. It's the compulsion by many individuals (mostly men, but sometimes women) to answer questions readily, regardless of knowledge. —Jean Godden, "Males Have the Answers, Even if They Don't," The Seattle Times, February 9, 1992 Mehr bei The Word Spy